2020 trends from Google’s Year in Search
[stark, electronic music fades in]
[voice of male narrator] The most human trait
is to want to know why.
And in a year that tested everyone around the world,
“why” was searched more than ever.
[multiple voices asking questions in different languages]
[music suddenly stops] [somber choir singing begins]
[voice of a British female newscaster] The spread of the coronavirus
has passed a significant milestone.
[voice of male narrator] And while we didn’t find all the answers,
[slow, upbeat music fades in] we kept asking.
[voice of a female launch announcer] Lift-off!
[voice of male narrator] Some questions inspired joy.
Others, excitement. [sudden cheering]
Life in the bubble. Whoo!
— Do you love me? — Yes.
— Do. You. Love. Me? — Yes.
[speaking with a British accent] I don’t know what an improper fraction is.
[Jimmy Fallon singing] Teachers should make a billion dollars.
— We found toilet tissue, y’all. — Thank God!
Put it on there, and start it up for me.
[voice of Leslie Jordan] What are y’all doin’? [man and boy cheer]
How many days … in March?
[music suddenly stops]
[voice of male narrator] Some questions made us cry. [somber choir singing begins]
[voice of Kobe Bryant] You know, we’ve been through our ups and been through our downs.
I think the most important part is that we all stay together throughout.
[crowd cheering] I love you guys!
[voice of male narrator] Some made us worry about
this spinning rock we call home.
[voice of a female newscaster] Fires were detected in the Amazon rain forest.
[voice of male narrator] Why were so many lives lost?
[voice of a British female newscaster] Almost 1.5 million people have now died
of COVID-19 worldwide.
[voice of male narrator] Why are we still asking the same questions?
[multiple newscasters saying “George Floyd”]
[voice of a newscaster] George Floyd repeatedly told the officers
that he could not breathe.
[voice of male narrator] So why do we still have strength to continue?
[choir begins gently repeating “Get it together somehow”]
[voice of a female protester] I believe in your power.
[crowd chants back] I believe in your power.
I believe in our power.
[crowd chants back] I believe in our power.
[voice of a male newscaster] Chants of “Black Lives Matter” echoed from thousands of protesters
[crowds chanting “Black Lives Matter”] in cities around the world.
[voice of male narrator] Why are we not defeated?
[voice of John Lewis] We have made too much progress,
and we are not going back.
We are going forward.
[voice of a female newscaster] Planes are starting to arrive in Beirut,
[choir becomes more upbeat, repeating “Get it together somehow”] full of international aid.
[voice of a female newscaster] Firefighters from around the world arriving in California.
[voice of a female newscaster] There are over 100 coronavirus vaccines in development worldwide.
[voice of a man] This is one of those times when people
look out for one another and have each other’s backs.
[voice of male narrator] We kept going for those who showed us the way.
[voice of Ruth Bader Ginsberg] Think about how you would like the world to be
for your daughters and granddaughters.
[voice of Chadwick Boseman] Remember the struggles along the way
are only meant to shape you for your purpose.
Press on with pride, and press on with purpose.
[voice of male narrator] Why is it that this year showed us its worst,
and we still found ways to triumph?
[voice of a male sports announcer] An incredible feat from Maya Gabeira.
[voice of a male sports announcer] Naomi Osaka. The U.S. Open Championship.
[voice of a man] Can’t let corona stop you.
[music begins to build] Can’t let quarantine stop you.
[voice of male narrator] So until we get to every answer …
[music ends with choir singing “We will get it together somehow.”]
… we’re still searching.