July 24, 2024

Eurocean 2004

Life is an adventure

4 Common Issues With Home Water Lines

The water lines in every home provide essential access to clean and potable water for daily use including the kitchen, bathrooms, and laundry. These pipes are usually made of PVC or PEX, and they are connected to the main supply which is located underground outside the house. You should know where its valve is located, in case you need to shut that valve due to any bursting or leaking pipe. Monitor water quality to identify any issues and ensure it meets the safety standards. 

It is essential for you to regularly maintain these pipes to ensure that the water that is being pumped is clean for daily activities. In case you see any problem, immediately call a professional to get assistance. There are certain common issues that you might face regarding water line installation, which include:

  1. Damage Due To Leakage:

You should inspect your home’s pipes for any sign of leak, corrosion, or damage, especially in the old house. Leak pipes are one of the common issues that many people face. Due to the exposure to water and other environmental factors, the material of these pipes starts to get weaker, which makes them more prone to leaking.

It is essential to regularly inspect the pipes for any leaks, moisture, or damage. You can minimize the water loss and prevent any damage to the property as well by addressing the issue on time. 

  1. Risk Of Frozen Pipes:

One of the common concerns especially in cold regions is freezing water pipes. During cold weather, due to poor insulation, the water in the pipe freezes, resulting in the expansion of the pipe and eventually leading to burst pipes and water damage. The pipes that are exposed to the unheated areas increase the risk of overall damage. 

You need to take precautionary measures by properly insulating the exterior walls to prevent water from freezing. 

  1. High Or Low Water Pressure:

Excessive water pressure or low water pressure, both cause damage to water pipelines resulting in damage. High water pressure can strain the pipes and lead to bursts or ruptures of pipes while low water pressure levels indicate underlying problems such as clogs or leaks in water lines. You need to maintain proper water pressure to avoid any potential damage. 

By taking care of these water pipelines, you can prolong the lifespan, prevent water damage, and ensure that the plumbing system is functioning efficiently. 

  1. Clogged Pipes:

When there is an accumulation of debris, dirt, hair, soap scum, grease, or any other foreign object the pipes get clogged, leading to the blockage of the water line. This is especially common in the kitchen and bathroom. Try to clean the drain regularly using a plunger to remove the accumulated dirt and debris to avoid clogs. 

Hard water is another reason to clog the water pipes, as the water contains high levels of calcium and minerals which accumulate inside the pipes causing them to get clogged. You should address the blockage immediately to cause any major damage to the plumbing system.