July 25, 2024

Eurocean 2004

Life is an adventure

Airlines for America to Congress: No additional taxes

Airways for America (A4A), urged the U.S. Congress to reject the proposed tax hikes on air travel that are included in the President’s FY2021 spending plan request.

The prompt tax hikes would price tag passengers an additional $2.seven billion per year on leading of the $26 billion they compensated in 2019. These are unwanted tax boosts that would jeopardize the unparalleled preference, entry, and affordability that shoppers delight in now. Nearly 90 {46dd52bca0123ad67b2d1222819e83fd0a56e45ca5068239f05f0c514f1e20f9} of Us citizens have flown on an airline some time in their lives, and 42 {46dd52bca0123ad67b2d1222819e83fd0a56e45ca5068239f05f0c514f1e20f9} of them have family members incomes under $seventy five,000, in accordance to a modern A4A study. Expanding taxes in any variety would load families with bigger expenditures to fly, curtail career expansion and restrict air provider solutions to tiny and rural communities.

U.S. aviation and its buyers are previously matter to 17 federal aviation taxes and expenses. 

A4A states”We vigorously advocate for the American airline market as a model of protection, client provider and environmental obligation and as the indispensable community that drives our nation’s financial state and world wide competitiveness.”