Amazon snaps up 11 Boeing 767 planes | News

Amazon has bought its first fleet of aircraft, as the technology giant expands its growing air freight network.

The company purchased 11 Boeing 767-300 planes from airlines Delta and WestJet.

Previously, Amazon had relied on leased aircraft to fulfil its logistical needs.

A statement explained the new planes would “support Amazon’s growing customer base”.

Aircraft prices have plummeted over the past year as travel demand diminished amid varying global lockdowns.

“Our goal is to continue delivering for customers across the US in the way that they expect from Amazon, and purchasing our own aircraft is a natural next step toward that goal,” said Sarah Rhoads, vice president of Amazon Global Air.

“Having a mix of both leased and owned aircraft in our growing fleet allows us to better manage our operations, which in turn helps us to keep pace in meeting our customer promises.”

Image: Rolf Vennenbernd/DPA/PA Images