July 25, 2024

Eurocean 2004

Life is an adventure

Agoda giving hoteliers advantage to burgeoning international markets

Agoda’s partner products are uniquely helping hoteliers target the upswing in inbound backed by the company’s data showing Asian and US tourists are flocking back to Australia.

New products from Agoda are supporting hotel partners pivot to the recovering inbound sector without cannibalising their domestic travel business.

Property owners are being given the flexibility to market their properties to new international markets via a range of product solutions, including Agoda’s International Rate Channel, IP based Rate Channel or Agoda Growth Product.

“While domestic remains strong, there’s been a significant upswing in inbound to Australia from the United States and Asia as more routes reopen bringing international travellers back,” said Agoda’s Oceania Director, Zsuzsanna Janos.

“For US travellers Australia is seen as great value right now and this is definitely a hot market for Australian hotels.”

“Our data also shows for inbound travellers there is a difference in preference as to which Aussie states international travellers are considering for their getaways.” 

And with Agoda’s marketing optimisation systems hotels can now differentiate themselves from the competition and reach these travellers that they would be unable to reach as cost-efficiently through other means.

“Basically we are targeting markets for our hotel partners that have volume, enhancing the hotel’s visibility to reach international guests they couldn’t have reached on their own, ” says Janos.

“It combines both incentive for travellers to book value deals, and an investment for accommodation partners, because it maximises inventory and helps fill empty rooms for longer.”

“And we know it’s is working because for inbound we are seeing longer lead times, up to double the length of stay, mid week check ins and higher booking values.”

Agoda partners are supported by dedicated account management teams who share insights that help maximise inventories, with the opportunity to increase revenues.  Having access to rate channel products and insights from Agoda via its account management team or the Agoda Partnerhub (www.partnerhub.agoda.com) helps Australian hotels have more productive inventory.