July 25, 2024

Eurocean 2004

Life is an adventure

Fintech digital automation for customers

Establishing privacy-safe measurement infrastructure before ramping up user acquisition is part of what makes Greenlight so successful. By leveraging Google Analytics for Firebase, its primary measurement platform, Greenlight has full control over how data is collected, stored, and used, making it easier to comply with privacy regulations.

This cohesive measurement strategy helped Greenlight benefit from enhanced performance with Firebase bidding. In addition, the growth team at Greenlight accessed deeper insight into customer behaviors and identified the actions that matter most in the user journey, such as completing user registrations, all with the peace of mind that comes with having more control over data. With the adoption of Google Analytics for Firebase and Firebase bidding, Greenlight steered its campaigns toward its highest value users, resulting in 153{46dd52bca0123ad67b2d1222819e83fd0a56e45ca5068239f05f0c514f1e20f9} uplift in conversions.

“With App Campaigns, once we had the infrastructure set up correctly, we could iterate our campaigns in real time, testing new events, testing new creatives, or even pushing or pulling on budget pace,” said T.C. Jennings, performance manager, paid media at Greenlight.

No longer a novelty, a user-first app experience is now a must-have for both new, digitally native entrants and legacy financial brands. As these examples demonstrate, reaching the next generation of customers requires a deep focus on measurement and analytics, as well as a fluid user acquisition strategy designed to respond to the evolving consumer needs and industry shifts.